Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tribal Challenge Introduction

Having virtually the same physical characteristics as a human being.  
Only a normal Earth human being can properly be termed human, although 
mutants, Eternals, and In-humans can be classified as human under a broader definition of the term. 

So I am undertaking another challenge and flipping between the two.  This challenge is fairly simple, Clear your world of all people and buildings including stores, city hall, ect...Then create 4 couples, move them each onto their own lot and set it up for them to live off the land, play out the families for 15 generations.  The original challenge called for you to make "Indians" or cave men, or something like that, but I decided to put my own spin on it.

Four surviving couples, eight people on their island, two of each race.  It was almost as if there had been a flood and God had saved two of each species, only it hadn't been a flood, it had been war, famine, and disease.  The four couples watched all their families and friends perish one by one, until it was just them left.  Now it was up to them to rebuild the land that greed and evil had destroyed.  Evil hasn't left their island though, for where there is good, evil is never far away ready to destroy it.

Introduction of Races:

Fae:  Also known throughout history as fairies, while not as small as books would have you believe, they are by all means some of the smallest of the  humanoid races. The average female stands barely over 4 foot tall and the males measure in at a mere 4 ft 3 inches.  Their tiny size has never deterred them from fighting to protect their faith and  families.  Fae are rich with traditions, the new world means new rules.  Will they give up old traditions of the past, or will they continue them the best they can?

These fierce warriors are dedicated in everything they do to serving Moldar, they are his special people and enjoy the benefits of such. A large race the females average at 7 feet, and the males tower at 7 feet 3 inches tall, muscularly built.  These are not the Angels of fables though, they have no wings or halos.  Historically they fight alone and have never mixed with other races, but now with little other option available they are faced with throwing away the prejudices of the past and embracing their new world.

A were animal, Sabers are able to transform from their human shape into the Saber Tooth Tiger of prehistoric past.  They are one of what is known as the dark creatures, having many times in the past, abandoned Moldar to serve Evil.  They, much like the Angels are an extremely large race of people, the females Averaging 6 and a half feet and the males averaging 7 feet. Created by Moldak the Dark Lord, to fight for him, they left his side centuries later and joined Moldar, but the call of Evil is strong and many have returned to their creator.

Another Were Animal, The Wolves can, much like the Sabers choose to transform at will into the Wolf form. Another animal that was the creation of Moldak, they left his side and choose to follow their true Alpha. They are fiercely protective of their families, and mates, and have remained loyal warriors for Moldar throughout history.  Wolves can not breed with Cats, doing so always results in miscarriage or perhaps even worse, children born with severe deformities.

Terms you may not be familiar with:

Moldar:  The God of their world
It is known to their people that while there is just one God of their world, there are many God's.  Each God given dominion over his universe.  Their is also understanding that their God is not the highest of power, however they have no real name for the highest power, nor do they have any type of contact.  Their God (Moldar) has been known to communicate with some throughout history.  This higher power's purpose is to keep the balance of all universes, if a universe becomes too off balance it will be destroyed, it's people, and it's God with it.  Those who serve Moldar look forward to an eternity in Bliss if they so choose, but rebirth is also an option, given only to souls once they have left the body, never to the living, for the living are ignorant of such matters.

The Evil one of their universe, he has many followers, or did until the recent wars and plagues that wiped out everyone.  He has limited ability to create.  He has historically tried in the past to produce heirs, but has failed each time, the heir destroyed the female carrying it, and caused its own death in doing so.

Mental Torture:
 A practice used by the higher powered ZeeGogs in which the victim believes he/she is being injured gravely, in reality nothing is happening to the victim and if the victim can be released from the ZeeGog's hold, the body returns to normal status, unharmed and unmarked.  However during Mental torture, witnesses have seen bodies on fire, holes appearing in bodies, bodies tore open and organs ripped out.  It is all illusion of the most frightful kind.  This method can cause heart attacks to occur therefore killing the victim without ever laying a hand on them.

ZeeGog: Moldak's True Followers, humans and humanoids, who chose a life a following Moldak, forfeiting the rights to their own souls.  In exchange they are given abilities to torture and kill their vicitims.

Negative Energy Feed:  Any kind of negative energy is known to make Moldak more powerful, therefore he encourages extreme torture of any victims his ZeeGogs get a hold of.  It is not just the torture that causes negative energy, fighting, hate, anger, emotional pain, these are all forms of negative energy that are known to feed Moldak.  A feed is a type of Sacrifice to greatly boost Moldak's strength, it is done by sacrificing a young, preferably virgin female (this is not a hard fast rule, and a non-virgin female is acceptable, but will not give the same amount of energy).  The female is placed upon an alter and may undergo hours of torture and rape before she is finally killed.  ZeeGog's are well educated on keeping their vicitims alive as long as possible to extract the maximum feed from them.

Hunt:  Warriors for Moldak for together to hunt ZeeGog Church's the ultimate goal being to destroy as many followers as possible as well as the High Priest.

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