Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chapter 2

"You know I have a million things to do Osera, always a million things."  Osera, gently pulled her into his arms, "I know, but I think this one thing, it's the most important, it's time Annwn, time for us to be joined in Moldar's love."

As he rubbed her back, he undid her gown at the shoulder, letting it pool on the floor at her feet, then lifted her up and laid her on their bed.  She gasped as his hands slid down her body, a tremor running through her. "Don't worry Annwn we were made for each other, I won't hurt you, I promise."

His fingers explored her body slowly, rubbing circles down her throat, gently flicking each nipple, eliciting another gasp from her throat.  He felt her hips begin to rise and knew he was on the right track.  His fingers continued their journey down, circling her belly button, and then passing the spot they wanted to explore most, they moved to her inner thighs.  A moan escaped her throat, pulling a smile to Osera's lips.  He had dreamed of this day since they were wed, and finally he would make her his wife fully.

He shifted her so her head lay in his arms while his fingers continued their explorations, finally finding the place they wanted most.  Her moans came louder as they continued to run their lazy circles over her sensitive flesh, she gasped and tensed when he placed a finger inside of her, but soon was moaning again as his thumb continued it's work.  "I love you Annwn, with all that I have I love you."

 He slid her back onto the bed watching the flush cover her cheeks and spill down onto her breasts, her body was so ready for him, he could feel the pulsing under his thumb, the wetness covering his hand.
Slowly he slid between her legs, his own body fully erect and ready he pushed against her, slipping just inside, and then with a slow thrust, she covered him in her velvet.  She had cried out just a bit when the barrier had been broken, but now her passion joined his and soon they were both screaming Moldar's name.

Exhausted, Osera collapsed on the bed next to his wife, " I thought it would hurt more,"  Annwn was still shaking and flushed from their activities, he admired her tiny nipples still standing up, begging for more attention. " For some it does, but we fit together perfectly.  As he lay there beside his wife he knew, that finally, for them life had began.

It seemed for the early couples that they had been reborn into an eden, time passed quickly, babies were born, and grew up, life was simple and beautiful for them all.  They often wondered if this was their reward, but couldn't understand what any of them had done to deserve it.  There were no battles to be fought, no evil trying to cause them harm, just peace and contentment.

Soon babies that were born were ready to start lives of their own, and the couples were faced with matching their children to suitable mates.  They had all been raised in a world in which mates were chosen by the parents, and given the circumstances none seemed to feel any need to change that, but it was complicated for them all.

Fae were tiny by nature, and the rest of the races were large, would a match be compatible physically for them? Wolves could not mate with Sabers, and didn't want to, so it seemed to them the only logical mates for their children were Angels, or perhaps the Fae, but the Fae men were small, and other race's daughters towered above them all.  So on the arguments raged as each family tried to decide the best mates for their children.

Finally it was decided that a meeting should be held between all the couples.  At their meeting a leader was chosen among them, Gideon would be the head of their tiny council, and he would decide the best possible matches.  All agreed that an Angel would act in the best interest of them all.  It was decided that a sort of  camp would be held each spring, and all children of mating age would attend, there they could be observed interacting with each other.

 Huts were built to house the children in, as well as the Chaperons, and the following year the first Spring Mating Festival was underway.  The head of each household was present to help Chaperon, and Gabriel also came to help with the domestic tasks that needed done.

 For the next month the children ( although many had blossomed well past childhood)  were allowed to interact with each other, no chores, no responsibilities.  At the end  of it, they were to be paired with the chosen mates for each.

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