Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chapter 3

They all gathered nervously around the fire, waiting the verdict.  Tonight they would be matched with their future spouse.  The month they had spent together had bound them all together in friendships that they knew would last a lifetime.  Tonight they had donned their finest clothing, and staring around at the fire Gideon couldn't help but smile, my how things had changed already, their children's clothing was much finer then anything they had to wear in the first years, rich embroideries and chain mail polished.  Each garment was a testament of hours spent with needle and thread turning them into things of beauty.

"I have observed you all, and as such I believe with Moldar's guidance I have made good matches for each of you.  Unfortunately there are two of you today who will not receive matches, do not think I forgot you, but what can I do, Moldar didn't see fit to keep our numbers perfectly balanced, I am certain that you time is coming as well, perhaps this is a special test for you both in patience."  He glanced around at the anxious young people, he knew they preferred he get down to the business of match making, but he felt a few words were wise first.

" You will not be joining in marriage today, I think it is important for you each to realize this, although you are betrothed as of this moment, you will wait to enjoy the benefits of the marriage bed until after the ceremony.  To do otherwise risks shame on your families and is a sin against Moldar who in his wisdom in asking us to wait."

You will all return home in the morning, your families will collect you, it up to your families to arrange whatever ceremony you decide on. My decisions are final, so please do not come to me with tears in your little eyes, begging for me to let your crush be your espoused, your espoused is to be your true love, make it so."

He looked around at them all, some shifting uncomfortably in the seats, "Enough talking now, for the matches. Kern you are betrothed to Daray, I have watched you two together and believe your calm and tender ways will be a good match for Daray, Daray you will challenge Kern I have no doubt of this."

Kern looked over at Daray, he noticed how the fire glistened off her hair making it almost match the flames.  "It is a good match,"  he thought, "One I would have chosen myself, but will Daray mind our size difference?"

Gideon cleared his throat, "Marlena you are betrothed to Rafe, I believe a Wolf and Angel pairing can bring nothing but good things to our world."  Marlena glanced shyly over at Rafe, he was easy on the eyes, she thought, and he seemed to be genuinely nice, she could see no reason to protest her match.

"Celia, you will be marrying Jareth, I believe a wolf and Angel pairing is good, I also believe the Angel's have much to contribute to a Saber pairing as well."  Celia gasped at the announcement, she was hoping to be paired with Traezek, the other Wolf brother, she had heard many things about the Sabers and their brutality to  each other.

Gideon stared pointedly at Celia and waited for her to calm herself before continuing, "Finally I have thought of this last pairing the longest, there is grave concern that a Fae female can not successfully bear children or share a marriage bed with any other then the smallest of creatures, however that is not possible.  I don't believe Moldar left the Fae to live and bring forth a daughter, just to watch that daughter become a barren old maid who contributes nothing to furthering our existence.  So I have chosen a mate for you as well.  Estrella you are betrothed to Traezek.  I believe a wolf is the safest pairing I can provide, Angels and Sabers are both to large and their children would, I fear be impossible for you to bear."

Estrella braced herself, she knew she would be mated, and she wasn't able to decide who they would pair her with, but she had never guessed it would be Trae, they had spent so much time together over the last month and she adored the time, but she would be lying if she didn't admit that she was terrified of sharing a marriage bed with anyone that big, much less bear his child.
The next morning they all parted ways, now was the time for planning, feasts would be held as each girl was joined with her chosen mate, there would be a lot of work involved in the next months as everyone prepared.

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