Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter 9

The birth of the twins was a joyous surprise, and went much smoother then their first daughter's birth.  The twins were tiny, so tiny Trae worried about holding them, afraid he would damage them in his clumsy hands.  The joy of the birth, was quickly overshadowed by a deep mourning that invaded their island. Children were missing, everywhere in each house children had been taken, always girls.

Only one had been found and recovered, Kathleen Santos, Rafe and Marlena's oldest daughter was discovered dead in the woods, the condition of her body sent waves of panic and desperation throughout the island as the warriors continued looking for the other two missing girls.

"She's alive! I can feel her breath!"  Jareth knelt beside his young daughter's broken body, in one fluid motion he picked her up off the ground and into his arms, so gently she didn't make a sound. "Don't worry Edith, it's all over now, you're safe now!" He murmured as he ran towards the tunnel. So focused on his daughter, he didn't even notice he was the only one leaving.

It was moments later that Rafe heard the tiny whimper and saw the other one, too young to understand the horrors she had witnessed, sitting in the corner, her tiny legs bunched up to her chest, her arms wrapped around herself and rocking.  "It's Annaleigh, she's alive, scared witless, but alive!" Rafe scooped the trembling girl in his arms gingerly trying to avoid scaring her further. "It's OK, you're safe little one, we have you now.  Revenge comes later men, lets get her home to her Papa, I foresee a very happy reunion in the near future!"  With that Rafe turned and began the long decent back into the daylight.

" Where were they, did you find any of the ZeeGogs?" Kern took his little girl in his arms and busied himself looking her over, head to toe.  "She doesn't have so much as a scratch on her?  What happened?"

 Rafe sighed, "I don't know Kern, we found Edith as well, and she is alive, but barely, they worked her over good. I don't have any more answers now then when I left.  We can only guess their motives, my guess is we interrupted them before they got to Annaleigh."

Kern sat down, his daughter still in his arms, "What are we suppose to do, how do we stop them if they are always one step ahead of us? We need help, I have prayed to Moldar for an answer and nothing is coming forth from him."

"If they keep killing our girls, soon we will all die with no heirs left to carry on our names and our heritage, soon everything will be for nothing, as it is now, it is hard to know who can marry who without their being relatives involved."  Rafe had been puzzling over this for some time, it concerned him greatly as his son was left with no one to marry, there hadn't been a girl born that was not related in some way to them. They had already lost their only daughter, Kathleen to the Zeegogs, and now it seemed his only son would never pass on their heritage either. He felt they had lost the twisted game the God's were playing, when Kathleen was found dead.

The shrieking filled their cabin as his wife tended to Edith, Jareth was beside himself with rage, she had been violated, his little girl had been violated and tortured. He would get revenge, he would find some way to avenge all that had been taken from her.

Celia gently swabbed the cuts and tucked the covers in around her daughter, thankful that she had slipped into unconsciousness finally, she needed to rest, and Celia suspected that rest would not come naturally to her little girl for a long time.  She had cleaned everything the best she could, had wiped away the dirt and fluids the filthy pigs had left on her, and now all that was left was waiting, waiting for her to heal, waiting to see if she would ever recover.

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