Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chapter 12

She lay on the cold stone bed shivering, the days had quit mattering to her, she couldn't tell how long she had been there any more, there was no change, no light to signify a new dawn, no moon to rise on a new night, just dim fire flickering, always flickering, and their laughs and shouts echoing down the corridors.

They had left her  alone in the room, she had tried to keep track of the days then by how many meals she was given, for every third meal she would mark a day off, eventually after months of meals she grew tired of it and quit counting, it had been 8 months then, she wondered how many more had passed since.

She moved slowly off the rock that was her bed, her large belly protruding, slowly breathing as it tightened in a painful vice again.

She had believed they would find her at first. Even when the ZeeGog's took their turns with her, each laughing at their new toy as she screamed and cried, she had believed they would burst in and save her, but with the passing of the hours, as her stomach began to expand she began to understand, they were right, no one would find her, she would never see daylight again.

"Estrella, you need to sit Shellan." She knew it was news, and before a word could escape she already knew that he was there to tell them Kyla was dead.  The world grew dark as she collapsed on the floor.

"It's too much, Cadel, it's too much not Kyla and my mother, how are we suppose to keep going?  What does Moldar want from us? Why were we left to survive if this is our future, our sisters, daughters and mothers taken before their time?"

She couldn't cry any longer, her eyes had long ago dried up, now there was only great heaving dry sobs ripping from her raw throat.  "The baby, what happened to the baby? They said she had given birth, well where is the child she gave birth to?"

Cadel held his wife, he sighed, frustrated that he had no answers for her.  "We don't know, we looked but we didn't find the infant, it can't be more then a few hours old and without it's mother's milk it won't survive long, I'm sorry, so sorry."  He felt like a failure, they all did, all the Warriors returned to their homes, their heads hung in defeat, the laughter of the enemy ringing in their ears.

"We won't let them win love, not this time, Moldar gave us all a second chance and we will find a way to bring them down this time."  He just wished he believed it as strongly in his heart as his voice made it sound.

The child screamed as they placed it upon the alter, the hooded figures gathered around, "Our Great Moldak, we have given you what we promised, a girl child, please reward us for our faithfulness!"

The room grew dark and the child grew silent as the figure appeared scooping it up and into it's arms, "You have done well, but our work is far from over. Do not lose vigilance now, do not think the battle won yet."

The fires in the room were extinguished with their master's final orders and as his voice still echoed off the walls one by one the torches burst into flame.  The ZeeGogs looked where he and the child had been, both vanished into the darkness.

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